Not to take or administer treatment for HIV

For Patient Use

Dear Dr...............................................,

This letter is to acknowledge your recommendation that I be treated with nucleoside analogs.

I have fully heard and understood your position as to why you believe I could benefit from the administration of such drugs. I have also studied the generally accepted views of mainstream medicine concerning HIV and the use of AZT and the other nucleoside analogs known as "anti-virals", protease inhibitors and antibiotic prophylaxis.

In addition, I have studied the views of "The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis" whose members number over 500 at present, and who represent some of the most highly acknowledged persons in the fields of virology, microbiology, molecular biology, epidemiology and clinical practice. I have also noted the views of numbers of prize winning investigative journalists, and long term survivors of AIDS. The work, knowledge and expertise of all these persons directly contradicts your recommendation.

To my knowledge, AZT and other nucleoside analogs are unproven drugs that have never saved a life, nor have they led to the cure of a single person. Furthermore, for your information, in numerous trials including the Concorde Study--the largest (1,749 participants) and longest ( 3 years in duration)--AZT has been shown repeatedly to be highly toxic and immune suppressive with no ability to suppress HIV levels, and to ultimately correlate positively to the occurrence of all the symptoms and diseases attributed to AIDS.

For asymptomatic persons, AZT and other nucleoside analogs have been shown to accelerate clinical decline, decrease quality of life and even cause death before any AIDS conditions surface. In fact, the inventor of AZT never sought a patent for this compound as AZT was noted by him to be too toxic for human use, even in those stage 4 terminally ill from cancer, the disease for which AZT was initially created as a possible chemotherapeutic agent.

After thoroughly investigating and carefully considering the benefits and risks involved in your recommendations, I have decided not to follow your advice and to reject the use of the nucleoside analogs known as "anti-virals", protease inhibitors, and prophylactic antibiotics.

This letter confirms that you have met your responsibilities in this matter by providing me with your medical opinion. I trust that you will respect my constitutional right to make an informed decision concerning my treatment.

In closing, I have heard stories of doctor's attempts to force or coerce patients to follow doctor's orders. I am hereby putting you on notice that should you or any of your staff employ any tactic to force compliance, or in any manner attempt to harass, intimidate, coerce or cause me any undue mental or emotional distress, I am fully prepared and willing to pursue legal action to remedy this.


Name and signature: Date:
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