4 Little Essex St.
London, WC2R 3LF

2 March 1995

Peter H Duesberg
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California
Berkelety, CA 94720

Dear Peter,

First, the good news: we shall publish the essence of what you have to say. But there are obvious snags. Let me retail my original conversation with Harvey Bialy. What format? he asked. A letter, I said. That's too little, he said; what about 1,000 words. I said I was not prepared to negotiate the length of a letter not yet written. But what you have sent would take at least 3 pages of Nature.

Second, I resent the way in which you appear to have alerted the world's press to the existence of your piece. Why do that?

Third, and this may not be such good news, I plan to go through your piece with a fine-tooth comb with the intention of ridding it of repetitions and various misrepresentations.

Let me illustrate the last point by reference to your page 3 and the continuation of the main paragraph on page 4. You start with the phrase "HIV was proposed to follow an entirely unprecedented course of action," you document various misconceptions about the functioning of HIV and then you conclude with the phrase "this HIV-hypothesis." Frankly, that smacks of the old Goebbels technique, that of creating a straw man from a farrago of indefensible propositions and then knocking it down. I know of nobody who, in the past decade, has put forward your points (1) to (5) as a unified statement of the conventional position. (Even you have to assemble the position with 20 references.) On the contrary, the "HIV-hypothesis" is much simpler: "HIV causes AIDS, in some manner not understood; most of those infected will develop the disease."

Nor is it a fair representation of Wei et al. and Hoet al. to say that they "claim" to resolve the three specific "paradoxes" you list. In truth, they do nothing of the kind. The only conceivable reference to the 10-year latency period, for example, is in Ho et al., and consists of the simile of the tap and drain. To quote from Wei et al., "The kinetics of virus and CD4+ lymphocyte replication" imply "First, ... continuous rounds of de novo virus infection, replication and rapid cell turnover ... probably represent a primary driving force in HIV pathogenesis ... Second ... a striking capacity of the virus for biologically relevant change. Third ... that virus production per se is directly involved in CD4+ cell destruction." Ho et al. go further, but only to this extent: " ... our findings strongly support the view that AIDS is primarily a consequence of continuous high-level replication of HIV-1, leading to virus and immune-mediated killing of CD4 lymphocytes."

My position as an editor is that straight misrepresentations such as these have no place in a journal like this. You complain at an earlier stage that I have improperly "personalized" this argument. How do you suppose that Wei et al. and Ho et al. would feel if we were to publish your travesty of what they have said?

My suggestion, therefore, is that you throw away the first four pages of your introduction, and devise a less inflammatory introduction in which you state that the two papers have not changed your view, and go on to give the reasons. Please let me know whether that is acceptable. I have some other less radical comments on the remainder of the text, but there's no point in sending them at this stage if you cannot agree to something along the lines I have suggested.

Yours sincerely,

John Maddox

cc: Harvey Bialy