By Steven D. Keller

2 May 2001

Steven: Thank you for giving this interview. First of all I would like to establish with the readers who you are, your credentials and what led you to take a serious look at AIDS and its causes?

I am a pathologist and a toxicologist with a Ph.D. in comparative pathology from the University of California Davis and a dual board certified toxicologist (DABT & DABVT). I have over twenty years experience in research, teaching, diagnostic, and doing consulting work in the fields of toxicology and pathology. I have also served as an Expert Witness on several cases involving the exposure of people to chemicals in the workplace, exposure of people to wrong therapeutic agents, and reaction of people to the side effects of therapeutic agents. In these cases, I identified the cause(s) of illnesses and provided the treating physicians and attorneys with reports describing my findings. In these reports, I also presented to the treating physicians my recommendation for monitoring and treating these illnesses.

In 1997, I established my toxicology consulting firm (Toxi-Health International) in Dixon California (10 miles west of the University of California Davis) and my website contains a description of my company's wide range of services ( In October of 1997, I evaluated the medical record and the case history of a 60 year-old-white male who was suffering from pulmonary fibrosis. He was treated with immunosupprassant medications (Azathioprine and prednisone). He consulted with me to find out if his exposure to chemicals in his workplace such as Jet Fuel and/or his medications has initiated or contributed to his illness.

My review of his medical record revealed that this man was suffering from AIDS. He developed AIDS following his treatment with two months course of prednisone (60 mg per day) and two weeks course of azathioprine (50-100 mg per day) for lung fibrosis. His blood analysis revealed a CD4+ T cells count of 255/µL (normal range 542 to 1595/µL) and a CD4+T cells /CD8+ T cells ratio of 0.6 (normal range 1.0-3.5). He was also suffering from a severe lymphocytopenia (peripheral blood lymphocytes count was 483/µL). Prior to his treatment with prednisone, his lymphocytes count were normal (1513/µL). In addition, he suffered from pneumonia and developed a severe fungal infection of the skin at various regions of his body and very painful sores in his mouth (gum and cheeks which looked like white cottage cheese). He was not infected with the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) as determined by three tests at various clinics.

My communication with his treating physician, lead to the termination of his treatment with prednisone and Azathioprine. On May 19, 1998, 22 days after the last dose of prednisone, his CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells counts were 657 cells/µL and 659 cells/µL, respectively. These counts were 247% and 153% of the values during the tapering of prednisone for the CD4+ T cells and the CD8+ T cells, respectively. In addition, his fungal infection and pneumonia were resolved following treatment with short course of antibiotic (Doxycycline 200mg per day for 2 weeks) and topical antifungal agent (Loprox).

This case led me to evaluate the medical literature on AIDS worldwide to find out if there were other individuals with AIDS, who were HIV-negative, and to investigate the causes of AIDS. Prior to this time, my belief was that HIV caused AIDS as we have been told by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the AIDS establishment since 1984. My investigation of the causes of AIDS worldwide took about two years and I presented my findings in my book " Get All The Facts: HIV Does not Cause AIDS" and in my articles. The first twenty pages of my book and the articles are posted on my website ( and My findings show clearly that HIV is not the cause of AIDS.

Steven: I've read your book, "Get All the Facts: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS" and I was really impressed by the information you found in your research. What can a toxicologist/pathologist offer to the current sea of information without getting bogged down by the populous information that we already have?

We can play a very important role in evaluating the medical information presented by physicians, scientists, and researchers and to provide correct interpretations of the information to get to the correct cause(s) of illness. For example, the CDC and the AIDS establishment stated that the epidemiology of AIDS indicates that AIDS is caused by virus called HIV, but my evaluation of the epidemiology of AIDS revealed that HIV is not the cause of AIDS.

The correct approach that should be taken to solve AIDS, or any other complicated chronic medical problems, is by evaluating all medical evidence concerning each risk group, namely, a differential diagnosis. I used this approach in this case to figure out the causes of AIDS in each risk group. I have found that the epidemiology and other medical evidence indicate clearly that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that AIDS is caused by the use of immunosuppressive medications that have been used to treat wide range of illnesses caused by the use of drugs and alcohol. In Africa, AIDS is caused by severe malnutrition and the release of endogenous cortisol. Any individual suffering from severe malnutrition has AIDS regardless if he or she is HIV-positive or HIV-negative. In addition, AIDS in people suffering from malnutrition can be reversed by giving proper nutrition and supportive medical care. I gave many examples in my book to illustrate these points.

Steven: Given what has happened to Dr. Peter Duesberg and having his funding scaled back because of his viewpoints and public questioning of HIV and AIDS, are you not concerned for your job security? Are you not stepping on the toes of the mainstream view that a virus is what actually causes AIDS?

Prior to November of 1997, I believed that HIV was the cause of AIDS and I did not have any intention to investigate this issue. However, I discovered in November of 1997 that AIDS can be caused by other agents, and that HIV is a harmless virus. I also realized that AZT and the antiviral drugs are killing people, which changed my direction. It became my duty as a scientist to investigate this issue, to find out the truth, and to present my findings to our government and to the public. I have been spending a tremendous amount of time and money on this issue for the last four years without any financial help from any source. This has been extremely hard on my family, but what keeps me going is the reward of saving lives and our vital resources.

My findings were evaluated by professor Otto G. Raabe, a toxicologist from the University of California Davis, as well as other scientists and physicians who have been using my findings to save lives. In August of 1999, I sent many letters with a copies of my book "Get All The Facts: HIV does not cause AIDS" to President Clinton and other government officials and to Governor Gray Davis asking them to have my findings evaluated by experts but unfortunately no action has been taking yet. In spring of 2000, I sent similar letters with copies of my books to President Mbeki and the Embassy of South Africa in Washington D.C. My book was submitted to President Mbeki's Expert AIDS Panel where the medical evidence was evaluated and used. The panel report is posted on

I do not understand why our government is ignoring this huge medical evidence that shows HIV does not cause AIDS while basing their entire AIDS program on unsupported hypothesis. Robert Gallo stated that HIV enters CD4+ T cells because they have special receptors for HIV and that HIV kills CD4+T cells selectively. I have found no truth for this hypothesis. Most individuals infected with HIV show hyperplasia of all cell components of lymph nodes (It has more cells than normal). In addition, HIV is present in all cells in the lymph nodes. Our government's decision of basing the entire AIDS program on the HIV-hypothesis is a very dangerous and costly decision. This faulty decision has been resulting in the exposure of millions of people to very toxic antiviral drugs worldwide unnecessarily and wasting billions of dollars.

My stand on this issue has cost me a lot of my personal time, plenty of money and business opportunities. However, I will continue to present the medical evidence to physicians, scientists and to the people of the world to save lives and vital resources. I cannot stand by and watch the mass killing of people or the killing of the unborn with AZT and other antiviral drugs. I am asking people to read the medical evidence that I have presented on this issue and to request that our government evaluate the medical evidence presented that clearly shows that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. The tragic poisoning of people by AZT and other anti-viral drugs has to be stopped. Now, we know what causes AIDS worldwide and we know how to cure AIDS. The medical evidence, which proves my point, is presented in Anthony Fauci's publications, and in my book and my articles. I will be happy to discuss my findings with our government and with public.

Steven: Within your report, which is very detailed, it is your opinion that people suffering from AIDS is a direct result from chronic drug use, both illicit and prescription. Can you talk a little about this and how you came up with these findings?

I evaluated the medical evidence and determined the causes of AIDS worldwide by performing differential diagnosis. In the USA, the total cases of AIDS in adults was 573,800 as of January 1, 1997 and about 90% of these cases were male homosexuals and heterosexuals, and homosexual drug users. The appearance of AIDS in the United States and Europe in drug users and homosexuals occurred in the early 1980's and coincided with the synergistic actions of several events. Briefly, these include the spread of illicit drug use, especially smoking crack cocaine and heroin in 1970's, the approval of glucocorticoids aerosol by the United States Federal Drug Agency 1976, the wide use of the glucocorticoid inhalers to treat chronic respiratory illnesses resulting from inhaling cocaine and heroin, the wide use of alkyl nitrites by homosexuals to facilitate anal sex in 1970's, and the wide use of steroids to treat chronic gastrointestinal tract illness in homosexuals. The approval of antiviral drugs (AZT and protease inhibitors) and the steroids by the U.S. FDA to treat patients with AIDS and asymptomatic patients infected with HIV has been exacerbating the problem.

The regular use of alcohol, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, and alkyl nitrite cause chronic health problems of the nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, kidneys and other tissues in these individuals. The majority of these health problems are usually treated with high doses of glucocorticoids and/or cytotoxic drugs. In addition, some homosexual men use rectal glucocorticoids to treat inflammation. For example, the treatment of a patient with prednisone at 60 mg per day for about three months can actually cause AIDS. This treatment and doses are often given to patients suffering from lung fibrosis, thrombocytopenia, and other chemically induced chronic illnesses. I listed in Tables 12 and 14 of my book more than 30 illnesses in risk groups that are treated with prednisone and/or other immunosuppressant medications. For example, Anthony Fauci in his book entitled "Principles of Internal Medicine" published by McGraw-Hill in 1998, 14th edition (p. 1463) described the treatment for patient with lung fibrosis as follows: "A trial of oral prednisone is begun at a dose of 1 mg/kg daily and continued for about 8 weeks. Should the disease not respond or be progressive, additional immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide should be considered. The objective is to reduce the white blood cell count to approximately half the normal baseline value, causing a distinct drop in the total lymphocyte count. However, a minimum count of 1000 PMNs/µL should be maintained". At this dose levels, the CD4+T cells count in the peripheral blood of the treated individual is expected to be <300/µL which meets the definition for AIDS set by the US Center For Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC).

The following are two examples of HIV-negative woman who used drugs and a homosexual man who developed AIDS-defining illnesses (Tuberculosis or Kaposi's sarcoma) following the use of glucocorticoids to treat chronic illnesses.

… A 33-year-old HIV-negative previously healthy female nurse developed acute bilateral pulmonary infiltrates after 18 hours of intense rock cocaine (crack) smoking. Open lung biopsy showed a chronic interstitial pneumonia with extensive accumulation of free silica within histocytes associated with pulmonary fibrosis. The patient was treated with supplemental O2 and antibiotics and released. Ten months later she returned with progressive dyspnea due to diffuse reticular nodular interstitial and alveolar processes. Transbronchial lung biopsy revealed histocytic interstitial infiltrates with polarizable foreign material. The patient was unsuccessfully treated with high doses of prednisone (1 mg/kg/day for eight weeks) followed by a trial of cyclophosphamide. She died due to respiratory failure with a superimposed mycobacterial infection. She was HIV-negative. The time from her first admission to the hospital with interstitial pneumonia and the appearance of tuberculosis and her death was about 21 months. [Chest 100(4): 1155-7, 1991].

… A 61-year-old HIV-negative homosexual white male patient in whom Kaposi's sarcoma developed while being treated with prednisone for Henoch-Schonlein purpura, had the Kaposi's sarcoma clinically resolved completely after 18 months with discontinuation of the steroids. He was treated with prednisone for six months at dose levels of 80-15 mg daily. The CD4+T cell/ CD8 T cells ratio obtained after his acute illness was 1.0 [Am J Med 1987; 82 (2): 313-7].

Furthermore, the reversal of CD4+ T cells depletion in the peripheral blood was also reported in HIV+ homosexual men after the termination of their treatment with glucocorticoids. Sharpstone et al., 1996 reported that eight HIV+ males with inflammatory bowel disease who used rectal steroid preparation had a decline in their CD4+ T cells at a rate of 85 cells/µL per year. Four of them underwent colonectomy that eliminated the need for the steroid and their CD4+ T cells increased 4 cells/µL per year. Eight case-matched controls that did not have surgery continued to have a decline of 47 cells/µL per year as the result of the use of rectal steroid [Eur. J. Gastroentrol. Hepatic 8(6): 575-8, 1996]. In addition, investigators from George Washington University and the National Institutes of Health reported a case of HIV-positive homosexual man with ulcerative colitis. Approximately 3 weeks prior to surgery for ulcerative colitis that was unresponsive to corticosteroids, the patient's CD4+ T cell count was 930 cells/ml of blood and the count fell to 313 cells//ml within 10 days of treatment with corticosteroids. Five days postoperatively, the patient become asymptomatic and was discharged on tapering prednisone without the use of antiretroviral agents. After surgery, the patient's CD4 T cell count progressively rose. The CD4 T cell counts were 622 cells/ml and 843 cells/ml at 3 and 6 weeks following the operation, respectively [Journal of Human Virology 2(1) 52-7, 1999].

The patient was still HIV-positive after operation. The result of this case clearly demonstrates that the reduction of CD4+T cells resulted from the use of corticosteroids treatment and that HIV is a harmless virus.

Steven: It has been well established that both the ELISA and the Western Blot tests are non-standardized between countries and even labs, which has led to many false positives. These false positives along with the "hit early, hit hard" theory, in turn, have led many doctors to prescribed AZT, protease inhibitors and even prednisone to patients who were not showing any signs of illnesses related to AIDS. What is your understanding of these two misleading tests and because they are non-standardized, do they not falsely implicate people to have a "dangerous illness" when in fact they may not?

My investigation was focused on finding the causes of AIDS and the link between HIV and AIDS. When I found that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, then the issue of the HIV test became unimportant. In fact, I have found that the majority of people who participated in the major four AZT clinical trials that were conducted in the USA between 1986-1992 were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT and their diagnoses were based only on clinical symptoms. The four published clinical trials are (1) Fischl et al., The New England Journal of Medicine 317 (4): 185-191 (1987); (2) Fischl et al., The New England Journal of Medicine 323 (15): 1009-1014 (1990); (3) Volberding et al., The New England Journal of Medicine 322 (14): 941-949 (1990); and (4) Hamilton et al., The New England Journal of Medicine 326(7): 437-443 (1992). Briefly, a total of 2,482 patients participated in these studies, and only 22% were HIV-positive prior to their treatment with AZT and the rest of the subjects were HIV-negative (62%) and untested (16%).

Steven: In your report you state, "damage to the immune system is rapidly reversible after removal of the true insulting agent or treatment of the true causes." Could you give us some examples of what you mean by "insulting agents" and "treatment of the true causes"?

In my answer to Q4 I gave several examples of the reversal of Kaposi's sarcoma in an HIV-negative homosexual man following the cessation of treatment with prednisone, as well as the reversal of the reduction in CD4+ T cells counts in HIV-positive homosexual men following the cessation of their treatment with corticosteroids. In these patients the insulting agent that caused AIDS-defining illnesses (Kaposi's sarcoma and severe reduction in CD4+ T cells counts) was corticosteroids. With the cessation of treatment, there was a reversal of these illnesses.

Below are two more examples of patients who developed Kaposi's sarcoma. Their tumors were reversed following the cessation of the use of prednisone. A 66-year old man with a severe bronchial asthma developed KS following treatment with prednisone 10 to 50 mg daily or on alternate days for about five years [Arch Dermatol 166 (11): 1280-2].

The second patient developed generalized Kaposi's sarcoma (extensive skin and stomach lesions) 24 months after renal transplantation while on cyclosporin (CyA) and prednisolone. His Kaposi's sarcoma disappeared completely upon withdrawal of CYA. CYA was introduced following an episode of acute rejection. Within 8 weeks, Kaposi's sarcoma reappeared on the skin at the same sites as the previously healed lesions. The tumor completely disappeared again upon withdrawal of CYA. Azathioprine was then introduced and Kaposi's sarcoma lesions reappeared 6 month later [Am J Nephrol 1992; 12(5): 384-6].

Furthermore, severe malnutrition has been known to cause immune dysfunction and other serious health effects. This should be considered in the differential diagnosis in HIV infected patients with AIDS, who are suffering from severe malnutrition, before implicating HIV as the cause of AIDS in Africa. Actually the finding of atrophy of lymphoid tissue in people suffering from malnutrition was observed as early as 1925. For example, Jackson's review on this topic in 1925 noted that many investigators had found a pronounced tendency of atrophy of lymphoid tissue in all conditions of malnutrition. Thymus weight was exquisitely sensitive to malnutrition and was earlier designated as the "barometer of nutrition" [Woodruff, 1972 Lancet 1(7741): 92-3)].

The functions of the immune system, especially the cellular immunity, are impaired in malnutrition cases. The severity of the impairment is dependent on the degree of malnutrition in both human and animals. I presented the results of studies of 345 malnourished children and two experimental animal models in my book that shows the impact of food deprivation on the size of the thymus and the lymphoid organs (Al-Bayati, 1999 Get All The Facts: HIV does not Cause AIDS). For example, the size of the thymus of 42 malnourished children was reduced by 90% as compared with a case-match normal control (Parent et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60(2): 274-8, 1994). In a second study involving 110 malnourished children, the thymic area was found to be 20% of the size in healthy children and the size of the thymus increased from 20% of normal in a malnourished child to 107% of normal following 9 weeks of proper feeding children (Chevalier et al., J. Trop Perdiatr 44(5): 304-7, 1998).

The reversal of the reduction in CD4+T cell count was also reported in HIV+ pregnant women following proper feeding [Fawzi et al., The Lancet 351:1447-1482, 1998). Briefly, the influence of diet on T cells counts in peripheral blood in 1,075 HIV-infected pregnant women who had poor nutritional status were studied. The CD4+ T cell counts of the women who received multivitamin increased from 424/µL to 596/µL during six months of proper feeding.

Steven: You mentioned in your report that corticosteroids and glucocorticoids are the "major causative agent in the U.S. AIDS epidemic." Could you explain what these two drugs are, how in your opinion they became major players in the AIDS epidemic and which medications use corticosteroids and glucocorticoids?

Corticosteroids and glucocorticoids are different names of hormones released from the cortex of the adrenal glands. In humans, this hormone is called cortisol and in animals it is called cortisone. There are many commercial names for glucocorticoids such as prednisone, asthmacort, flonase, and others.

Cortisol has many functions and some of these functions are the inhibition of protein synthesis and the enhancement of glucose synthesis in liver during food deprivation. In starvation cortisol is released from the adrenal glands to convert protein and lipid to glucose in liver. Glucose is the primary fuel for heart and brain. Therefore, people who are suffering from malnutrition have high levels of cortisol in blood and urine and the cortisol levels usually go down following feeding a balance diet for certain duration. For example, the lymphocyte function of 30 black children with severe malnutrition as assessed by the delayed hypersensitivity reaction and morphology of lymphocyte transformation was found to be impaired and serum cortisol level was elevated. The function of lymphocyte and cortisol level returned to normal after 30 days of feeding [Zeng et al., Hua His. I Ko. Ta. Hsueh Pao 22(3): 337-9, 1991].

We learned about the anti-inflammatory function of cortisol in the 1940s. It was approved by the US FDA to be used as immunosuppressant agent to be given to patients who needed organ transplants. Corticosteroids usually depress the functions and the size of the immune system; therefore, reducing the chance of rejecting the new organ by the host. People who are treated with high doses of corticosteroids for periods of months usually suffer from low T cells counts and AIDS-defining illness such as tuberculosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, and other illnesses as described in Fauci's vast number of publications.

The use of glucocorticoid compounds has been increasing with time and in the USA, more than 10 million Americans use glucocorticoid as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy drug per year. The effect of these compounds on the immune system depends upon the amount and the duration of use. However, the damage is reversible in most cases.

In the USA, the total cases of AIDS in adults was 573,800 as of January 1, 1997 with about 90% of these cases being male homosexuals, and heterosexual and homosexual drug users (Fauci, et al., 1998. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York USA, ed. 14). Inhaling cocaine and heroin use causes many respiratory illnesses that require long-term treatment with glucocorticoids. In addition, there are many other drug-induced illnesses such as thrombocytopenia, peripheral neuropathy, and chronic kidney problems that are treated with high doses of glucocorticoids. In my book, I list more than 30 conditions in risk groups that are treated with high doses of glucocorticoids (Tables 12-15) and the doses used to treat each of these condition can cause AIDS. I gave many examples in my answer to Q4, which shows that treatment of individuals with prednisone for lung fibrosis and other illnesses induced by drugs, cause AIDS. In my answer to Q4, I also gave examples for the use of prednisone by homosexuals to treat chronic inflammation of the colon that resulted in the reduction of CD4+ T cells counts. The HIV-positive patients who selected to have surgery to remove the inflamed portion of their colon and eliminate the use of prednisone, the reduction of CD4+ T cells was reversed following the termination of the glucocorticoids.

Hemophiliac patients are treated with high doses of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressant agents. These facts are explained in Fauci's book, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine [McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York USA, ed. 14].
The hemophiliac patients are treated with immunosuppressive agents (cyclophosphamide and glucocorticoids) to prevent the development of antibodies against factors VIII and IX. Patients with severe hemophilia also have serious chronic joint problems resulting from bleeding inside the joints. The chronic joints problems are treated with glucocorticoids.

Steven: Could you talk a little bit about how AZT and most currently, protease inhibitors, destroy the bone marrow leading to the loss of bone marrow cells and eventually to the many illnesses attributed to the HIV virus and AIDS?

AIDS patients have been treated with antiviral medications based on the assumption that HIV is the cause of AIDS. This approach has been a failure and it is not based on sound medical facts. It is killing people and must be stopped immediately. In my answer to Q5, I stated that a total of 2,482 patients participated in four major AZT clinical trials conducted in USA between 1986 to 1992. Only 22% were HIV-positive prior to their treatment with AZT and the rest of the subjects were HIV-negative (62%) and untested (16%). This information indicates that the designs and the conclusions of these studies are invalid. Below is a brief summary of the design and the result of

Fischl et al., 1990 study [The New England Journal of Medicine 323 (15): 1009-1014 (1990)] that shows the wide range of AZT toxicity and the problem with the design of this study. 1) This study did not include a placebo group, and only 39% of patients were HIV-positive at baseline based on the virology data presented. The authors were aware of this fact. They stated "thirteen subjects of 146 tested who were negative for HIV antigen before treatment later had detectable levels of antigen during the 128 weeks of treatment". The data presented below clearly shows that AZT is very toxic as indicated by the new opportunistic diseases developed, bone marrow toxicity, and mortality rates. There is a linear relationship between total AZT ingested (g) by the subject and the mortality rates in both treatment groups (Table 1). The equations for the lines for both groups are presented below.

Y = 0.0896x - 25.27 R2 = 0.9998 for standard dose ŠŠ.(1)
Y = 0.2147 x - 33.47 R2 = 0.9828 for low dose ŠŠŠŠ..(2)

Where y = Mortality rate and X= AZT ingested (g) per individual
Based on equations # 1 and 2 a 100% mortality rates will be reached at 31
and 33 months of treatment for the standard dose (1.5 g AZT per day) and
low dose, respectively.

Table 1. Total AZT ingested (g) per individual and 
mortality rates per treatment group
Treatment   Low dose*                  Standard dose*
Duration       AZT                         % AZT %
Months      Ingested(g) Mortality   Ingested(g) Mortality 
12             236         19           548         24
18             345         37           822         48
24             455         66          1095         73 
* Number of subjects in each group at baseline was 262 
and 524 per the study. Number of HIV-positive patients 
at baseline was 205 (39% of total).

Design: They conducted a randomized controlled trial in 524 subjects who had a first episode of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and only 39% of these individuals had detectable serum levels of HIV antigen before treatment and the 61% were HIV-negative or untested. These subjects were assigned to receive zidovudine in either a dose of 250 mg taken orally every four hours (the standard-treatment group, n=262) or a dose of 200 mg taken orally every four hours for four weeks with 100 mg taken every four hours thereafter. (The low-dose group, n=262). The median length of follow-up was 25.6 months. The total amount of AZT ingested (g) per individual during the study period is presented in Table 1.

Results: A new AIDS-defining opportunistic infections developed in 429 subjects (82%) in the AZT treated groups. The hemoglobin level declined to less than 80 g per liter (baseline= 121 g per liter) in 101 subjects in the standard-treatment group and in 77 subjects in the low-dose group. The neutrophil counts declined to less than 750 per ul (baseline = 2200 per ul) in 134 subjects in the standard-treatment group and in 96 in the low-dose group. One hundred eighty-three subjects (35%) were withdrawn from zidovudine therapy because of toxic reactions such as sever anemia and severe neutropnea. One hundred thirty-four subjects (26 percent) received red-cell transfusions. The mortality rates were 66% and 73% in the low and standard AZT doses, respectively, at 24 months of treatment (Table 1).

Comments: The authors of the above study stated that AZT showed a therapeutic value by reducing the severity of illness in AIDS patients and low-dose therapy was associated with a better survival rate. It is very obvious that the design and the conclusions of this study are not valid based on the facts presented above. The result of the study show that there is a linear relationship between total AZT ingested (g) by the subject and the mortality rates in both treatment groups.

Protease inhibitors usually cause severe damage in kidney, liver, and other organs. The severity of the damage depends upon the amount of the drugs taken and the duration of use. Some studies show that the CD4+ T cell counts were increased after treatment with AZT and/or protease inhibitors. This information was interpreted as a good response to the medications. On the contrary, the elevation of T cells is not a good response in these conditions, but rather, it indicates severe tissue damage and infection because elevation of CD4+ T cells counts also occur due to inflammation in tissues. This explains the injury and death of the patients following treatment with these drugs. For example, the CD4+ T cell counts were increased following the treatment of HIV negative nurses with AZT, who took AZT as a prophylactic. They developed severe symptoms following 3 weeks of treatment with AZT (Get All The Facts: HIV does not cause AIDS, Table 24). In addition to the failure of the antiviral drugs, AIDS patients suffering from immune deficiency are also treated with glucocorticoids. This practice is not supported by any known mechanism of action. The antiviral medications and the glucocorticoids not only fail to cure AIDS, but they cause severe damage to sick people with AIDS. Prescribing these medications to AIDS patient is just like putting gasoline on a fire. The proponents of the HIV hypothesis failed to anticipate this disaster and they claimed that AZT prolonged lives.

Steven: It is astonishing when you explain how AZT works and when one realizes that this is the drug of choice for pregnant women who test HIV+ and their babies whether they test positive or not. At the same time, AZT is also the drug of choice that is being pushed upon malnourished people in South Africa. How can this important information make a difference within these two groups of people, and have you been contributing any of this information to President Thabo Mbeki and/or the United States government? If so, what has been their response?

As I stated in my answers to the previous questions, the designs and the conclusions of the AZT clinical trials are not valid. AZT is very toxic to bone marrow and tissues with high cell division rates such as embryonic tissue. Treatment of pregnant women with AZT will definitely cause very serous damage to the embryo and fetus.

The cause of AIDS in infant and children in the industrialized countries are the use of cocaine, heroin, and alcohol by mothers during their pregnancy. The use of cocaine during pregnancy was usually associated with a high prevalence of premature births and low birth weights. Drug exposed infants usually had immature lung profiles and other serious health problems. These health problems are usually treated with glucocorticoids. As of January 1, 1997, the number of infants and children in USA diagnosed with AIDS was 6,891. Ninety percent of these cases had mothers who were drug users.

In Africa, the cause of AIDS in infants and children is malnutrition. The study of Fawzi et al. [Fawzi et al., The Lancet 351:1447-1482, 1998] clearly demonstrated that HIV is a harmless virus and the impairment of the immune system in a mother (HIV-positive) who suffers from malnutrition can be reversed by feeding the mother proper nutrition. This measure also improved the outcome of pregnancy. For example, in Tanzania, 1,075 HIV-infected pregnant women between 12 and 27 weeks' gestation received vitamin A (n=269), multivitamins excluding vitamin A (n=269), multivitamins including vitamin A (n=270), or a placebo (n=267). In this study, multinutrition supplementation decreased the risk of low birth weight (<2500 g) by 44%, severe preterm birth (<34 weeks of gestation) by 39%, and small size for gestational age at birth by 43%. During pregnancy, all T-cells subsets (CD4+, CD8+, and CD3+) increased in all groups between baseline (mean 18 week's gestation weeks' gestation and 6 weeks postpartum). There was a significantly larger increase in the CD4+ T cell counts and percentage of CD4+ T cells among women assigned multivitamins. The mean increases between baseline and 6 weeks postpartum were 167 cells/µL and 112 cells/µL among women on multivitamins and those on no vitamins, respectively.

As I stated earlier (Q3), in August of 1999, I sent letters with copies of my book, Get All The Facts: HIV does not cause AIDS, to President Clinton and other government officials including Governor Gray Davis, asking them to have my findings evaluated by experts. Unfortunately no action has been taking yet. In spring of 2000, I sent similar letters with copies of my books to President Mbeki and the Embassy of South Africa in Washington D.C. My book was submitted to President Mbeki's Expert AIDS Panel and the medical evidence was evaluated. The panel report is posted on

The result of the large study in Tanzania presented above clearly shows that HIV is a harmless virus and that the depression of the immune system in pregnant women suffering from malnutrition can be reversed by nutrition. This treatment also improved the outcome of pregnancy. On the contrary, Fischl et al., 1990 study [The New England Journal of Medicine 323 (15): 1009-1014] described above shows a linear relationship between the amount of AZT ingested by the individual and mortality rate. It is very sad and frustrating to know that the CDC and the AIDS establishment are giving AZT to pregnant women even with studies that show the depression in the immune system can be reversed by nutrition. I hope that our government will pay attention to the medical evidence presented in my book and my articles that show HIV is not the cause of AIDS, and that AZT and protease inhibitors are killing people. I hope that our government will take the proper actions soon to end the suffering of people who are unnecessarily ingesting these toxic medications.

Steven: You mention a powerful antioxidant, Alpha Lipoic Acid in your report. What is this chemical and how can it help to rebuild one's immune system that has been destroyed by AZT, protease inhibitors and Prednisone? What other antioxidants or products have you found in your research that may work to help rebuild damaged cells, bone marrow and immune systems?

Alpha lipoic Acid (ALA) is a very powerful antioxidant that has been used to prevent injuries caused by chemicals in human and animal studies. It has also been given to diabetic patients for the last two decades to prevent tissue damage, has been used in Europe to reverse peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients, and has been shown to be effective and safe in several clinical trials. This drug is very effective in preventing and reversing injuries resulting from metabolic changes and/or exposure to chemicals that induce lipid peroxidation. It is sold without prescription and has no side effects at the therapeutic doses (Up to 600 mg per day) for a period of 3 months or more in most people. In Chapter 14 of my book, I presented a brief description of the results of nine studies to show the efficacy and safety of Alpha lipoic acid. Vitamins E, C and trace elements such as zinc and selenium are also very important in the healing process of damage caused by metabolic changes and/or the exposure to chemicals such as AZT and other medications.

Steven: Do you have any trial studies going on? What are they and how can someone become involved with them?

Our clinical study is posted on We have also started to evaluate cases. For more details please check the site below. I do differential diagnosis to identify the cause(s) of illness and I send my report to the physician(s). My report usually contains a description of the cause(s) of the problem and my recommendations for clinical tests and treatment.

Resolution of AIDS in HIV Positive Patients:
A Clinical Study of Non-HIV Causes and Treatments for AIDS Illnesses
Mohammed A. Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT
Juan Jose Flores, MD, PhD
Lisa M. Hosbein, MD, FACOG
Christine Maggiore, American Foundation for AIDS Alternatives

I have evaluated the case histories and the medical records of many HIV-positive AIDS cases and I have found that the causes of illness in these people are the use of the antiviral medications and the glucocorticoid medications. For example, I evaluated the medical record of an HIV-positive individual who is suffering from thrombocytopenia with low CD4+ T cell count. In the last 10 years, this individual has been treated with 24 prescription medications and 12 of these medications cause thrombocytopenia, five drugs cause damage in the immune system. However, this individual has been treated with AZT and glucocorticoids that cause thrombocytopenia and AIDS on the assumption that HIV is the cause of these health problems in this individual.

I receive many letters, emails and telephone calls per month from people who are desperate, and in need answers and help. I usually spend about 20 hours per case to evaluate the medical records and case history of patients who are suffering from AIDS. As I mentioned earlier, most of these patients do not have the money and unfortunately, we don't have any funding to handle the load. Currently, there is no money allowed or given by the United States Government to any AIDS project not dealing with the HIV as the cause of AIDS. AIDS and HIV are treated by our government as political issues, not as health issues and this policy is, unfortunately, causing human tragedy worldwide.

We have submitted our proposal to private sources. We are hoping to get funding to save people's lives and to provide more medical evidence showing that the depression in the immune system, in HIV-positive AIDS patients, is reversible without the use of toxic antiviral medications as I presented in many examples above, in my book and articles.

Steven: Although your ideas are much easier to comprehend and seem more logical compared to the mainstream ideas of what AIDS is, what has the reaction been from your comrades and fellow physicians? Do you work with or see a growing number of physicians in the San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego area or even nationwide or internationally, who share your concerns and ideas?

I spent about two years to evaluate the causes and pathology of AIDS worldwide prior to releasing my findings to the public. In my book, I identified the causes of AIDS and described the symptoms and pathology of AIDS in all risk groups. My book is divided into fifteen chapters. There is a specific chapter designated for each risk group and other chapters to explain the causes and pathology of the AIDS-defining illnesses. For example, chapter 10 contains the description of the causes of AIDS in infants and children, while chapter 11 describes the cause of AIDS in hemophiliacs. The entire index is posted on I wrote this book as a medical book so physicians can use it to diagnose cases of AIDS accurately and order proper clinical tests to treat the patient with AIDS successfully. It is very easy to follow and understand.

My conclusion that HIV is not the cause of AIDS is based on published medical evidence and not on hypothesis; therefore, any physician or scientist who reads and examines the information in my book will come to the same conclusion. Fore example, Professor Otto G. Raabe is a toxicologist from the University of California Davis and has read my book two times, evaluated the medical evidence carefully and came to the conclusion that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. He wrote the foreword for my book, which is posted on Below is one paragraph of his report.

"Dr. Al-Bayati's detailed evaluation of the world-wide AIDS epidemic approaches the literature head-on and lets the chips fall where they may. Because of his objective use of differential diagnosis and his sensitivity and understanding of both pathological and toxicological factors, he is able to convincingly demonstrate that the convergence of several factors other than HIV represent the true causes of AIDS. This book deserves careful attention, especially from physicians who must decide the course of medical treatment for their various patients."

Furthermore, Professor Juan Jose Flores, MD, PhD, Dr. Lisa M. Hosbein, MD, FACOG, and other physicians and scientists, who have read my book, have come to the same conclusion that the HIV is not the cause of AIDS. In addition, individuals who have read my book, reach the same conclusion. There are many articles written about my findings and I have been on many radio and TV shows. In the last 20 months, I have not received any disagreement from any physician or a scientist about my findings. Some of these articles and our clinical studies are posted on the internet.

Physicians usually depend upon the recommendations from our government and the pharmaceutical companies about the treatment of AIDS patients and the usage of medications. Most of the time they have no way of knowing nor understanding the implications involving these recommendations or whether they are valid or not. I informed the US government and many State governments in August of 1999 and requested that my findings to be evaluated, unfortunately, no action has been taken yet. It is the responsibility of our government to take the right step by evaluating the evidence and to protect the public from taking highly toxic drugs such as AZT and other antiviral drugs, which are currently used to treat patients with AIDS.

Steven: You really strip away the intricate layers of Anthony Fauci's report, "Clinical Categories of HIV infection" and "Harrison's Principle of Internal Medicine" to reveal some pretty astonishing facts that were either covered up, left out or pushed aside. Of all the information you uncovered, what would be the most important for our readers to know about when it comes to A. Fauci et al. work?

As I stated earlier in Q1, prior to October of 1997, I believed that HIV was the cause of AIDS, as has been reported by the CDC and the AIDS establishment. When I found that the treatment of a patient with prednisone (60 mg per day for 10 week) and Azathioprine for lung fibrosis could cause AIDS and that the damage to the immune system is reversible upon termination of this treatment, I became very interested in the issue of AIDS. I pursued my plan to evaluate the medical literature to find out if there were other cases who developed AIDS as result of treatment with immunosuppressant medications, and to evaluated the link between HIV and AIDS.

My research of the various literature lead me to the vast numbers of publications by Anthony Fauci that dealt with the effects of glucocorticoids on the functions of the immune system. Dr. Fauci has been studying the effects of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressant medications on the function of B cells and T cells since the 1970s. I was very surprised to find that Fauci described the symptoms of AIDS in 1976 in people using high doses of corticosteroids over a period of a few months, as stated below, and that there are more than 40 medical conditions in risk groups such as pulmonary fibrosis, thrombocytopenia, peripherial neuropathy, etc that have been treated with high doses of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressant medications for long time. A. Fauci has not considered these factors at all when stating that HIV is the cause of AIDS.

For example, Fauci et al., 1976 stated that, "we have reviewed many aspects of the host defenses that are altered by corticosteroids, and the combined effects of these changes must be considered in trying to understand the relation between corticosteroids and infections. Since the defect with corticosteroids is broad, it is not surprising that many types of infections seem to occur more often in patients treated with corticosteroids. Of the bacterial infections, staphylocococcal and Gram-negative infections, as well as tuberculosis and listeriosis infections, probably occur most often. Certain types of viral, fungal, and parasitic infections also occur often. Patients with lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and renal transplants have more infection with steroid administration. Study of bronchial aerosols showed that with higher doses of steroid in the aerosol, Candida infections of the larynx and pharynx occurred more often" [Annals of Internal Medicine 84: 304-15, 1976.].

Furthermore, I reviewed Fauci's book entitled "Principles of Internal Medicine" published by McGraw-Hill in 1998, 14th edition. This book contains detailed descriptions of the impact of illicit drugs, glucocorticoids, and malnutrition on health and the functions of the immune system, but yet Fauci has not considered any of the information presented in his book when dealing with the AIDS issue. For example, the opportunistic diseases described on page 1,792 in Fauci's book under the name of Clinical Categories of HIV infection, are the same opportunistic diseases that are described in the same book in organ transplant patients treated with high doses of immunosuppressive medications. It is very difficult for me to imagine that A. Fauci, the Director of the AIDS program at the NIH, spent billions of dollars to find a cure for AIDS, yet the true answers are presented in his publications.

Fauci and his colleagues conducted a study in 1995 and found that the lymph nodes of some patients infected with HIV had hyperplasia (It has more cells then normal). This observation contradicts the HIV-hypothesis that HIV kills infected cells [J. Immunol 154 (10): 5555-66, 1995]. Also in this study, some lymph nodes showed atrophy and necrosis in T cells and B cells. These changes were independent of the viral load or the duration of the infection. Hence, they did not question the HIV-hypothesis but, rather, they modified the hypothesis to fit their new findings. Briefly, they examined 29 HIV positive lymph nodes and found twelve of these lymph nodes with follicular hyperplasia and extensive germinal centers, five with follicular hyperplasia mixed with follicular involution, twelve lymph nodes with a mixture of follicular involution and lymphocyte depletion, and five lymph nodes with lymphocyte depletion. They stated that, "apoptosis was not restricted only to CD4+ T cells; both B cells and CD8+ T cells were found to undergo apoptosis. They stated that the increased intensity of the apoptotic phenomenon in HIV infection is caused by the general state of immune activation, and is independent of the progression of HIV disease and the levels of viral load".

In 1992, scientists and physicians reported to the CDC cases with AIDS and/or low CD4+ T cells, yet these cases were HIV-negative. However, Fauci and the CDC did not investigate these cases. Instead they explained the problem by giving a new name for this disease: "Idiopathic CD4+ T cells lymphocytopenia (ICL)". Fauci stated in his book, cited above on page 1845, that the immunologic abnormalities in ICL are somewhat different from those of HIV infection. ICL patients often have decreases in CD8+ T cells and in B cells. However, on page 1,809-11 of the same book, Fauci stated that during the late stage of HIV infection, there is a significant reduction in the numbers of CD8+ T cells and the absolute number of circulating B cells may be depressed in primary infection.

In addition, Fauci's approach for solving the AIDS crisis is by defining conditions as they show up. The classic definition is the "long-term nonprogressors" term applied to people previously infected with HIV approximately 10 years or more, who have not yet showed any health problems. The number of these people as of January 1, 1997 was about 28,690. It only took one clinical case for me to see that the HIV-hypothesis has serious flaws and is incorrect. Yet A. Fauci, with billions dollars to spend, ignores thousands of cases (HIV-positive and HIV-negative) that obviously demonstrated the inconsistencies of the HIV hypothesis.

In 1981, the symptoms of patients diagnosed with AIDS are purely symptoms of chronic glucocorticoids use. Now the symptoms of patients with AIDS include bone marrow damage and damages of many organs (liver, kidneys, etc) as a result of the use of a wide range of powerful antiviral drugs and more steroids. In addition, Fauci and the CDC made the picture of AIDS even more complicated by adding cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer in 1993 to the cumulative list of AIDS-defining illnesses. These illnesses are also occurring in women with normal immune system functions, which has nothing to do with the hypothesis that HIV kills T cells. By taking this arbitrary step, AIDS has become a disease affecting the whole community; not only homosexuals and drug using men. This action has increased the fear in the community and also has increased the funding to the NIH as well as the sale of antiviral drugs.

The medical evidence presented in my book, along with the information presented in the Fauci's publications, indicate that A. Fauci, the Director of the AIDS program, and the CDC overlooked essential medical evidence, which indicates that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, antiviral medications do not work, and that drugs and malnutrition play important parts in the pathogenesis of AIDS. Furthermore, they have been changing their hypothesis and the stated incubation period for HIV, to make them fit new findings. AIDS in 1989 was much more complicated than the AIDS in 1984, prior to the approval of AZT. AIDS in 2001 has become more complicated than the AIDS in 1989, prior to the approval of steroid and protease inhibitors in the treatment of AIDS. As I stated earlier, treating an AIDS patient with corticosteroids and AZT is just like putting gasoline on a fire. AZT kills the stem cells in bone marrow that produce T cells and the glucocorticoids inhibit the functions of T cells; therefore, reducing their numbers in both thymus and blood circulation.

Today, we have about 2,000 active ingredients in our prescription and nonprescription drugs and thousands of chemicals in use in our workplace. Yet, toxicology is excluded from our health care industry. Physicians need to consult with toxicologists who have the expertise and the resources to evaluate toxic effects of chemicals used in workplace and side effects of medications. This approach can save lives and resources. This problem needs to be addressed urgently by our health care industry, among scientists, and in our government. We need to devote resources to solve current problems and not to create more problems. The war on AIDS is a classic example of mismanagement of great resources. Imagine if a toxicologist and a pathologist, with expertise in differential diagnosis, had been consulted about the few cases of AIDS that appeared in 1981Šmany lives and billion of dollars would have been saved! We must learn from this tragic and expensive lesson because we cannot afford to continue ignoring or repeating it.

Steven: How can people, who are interested in your book or have further questions, contact you?

They can check my website ( My phone number is (707) 678-4484. Fax number is (707) 678-8505. My email: My company address: Toxi-health International, 150 Bloom Dr., Dixon, CA 95620. My book is also sold on

Steven: Dr. Al-Bayati, I would like to thank you for your time and commitment to this article and more important to this issue of what AIDS is and is not. It has been truly wonderful working with you and I wish you all the success.

Thank you very much for asking me to do this very important interview. I hope that other reporters will take the same courageous action that you have taken to find the truth about what causes AIDS and by providing this vital information to the public. Your action certainly will save lives and vital resources. God bless you!