A Rowdy AIDS Forum and its Aftermath

By John Lauritsen

New York Native 7 Oct. 1991

A recent forum sponsored by Positive Action of New York turned into a shouting match and near brawl over the personality and conduct of one of the evening's speakers, Larry Kramer, a prominent playwright and "AIDS spokesman". Billed as "The Treatment of HIV Infection in 1992", the forum was held on Thursday evening the 19th of September 1991, in Farkas Auditorium at the New York University Medical School. Many attended the forum to hear the now-discredited AIDS-superstar Robert Gallo, of the National Cancer Institute, who was slated as the principal speaker. There was advance speculation as to whether Gallo would dare show his face in public, after the recent appearance of an article by John Crewdson in the Chicago Tribune.

Crewdson's article disclosed the results of an official investigation by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which concluded that Gallo's scientific conduct was reprehensible. In a preliminary, 200-page report, the NIH investigative team stated, among other things:

The investigative team considered if Dr. Gallo's actions as lab chief and senior author of the Science paper constitute scientific misconduct. The scientific advisory panel was not unanimous on this point although all agreed there were serious problems with Dr. Gallo's conduct....

The investigative team believed that even though Dr. Gallo's actions do not meet the formal definition of scientific misconduct, they warrant significant censure. (John Crewdson, "U.S. probe cites lies, errors in AIDS article", Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 15 September 1991.)

Gallo stayed in Washington, and a message from him was read, in which he apologized for not attending. It was later divulged that Gallo has been forbidden by his superiors to make public appearances of any kind.

Storm clouds were in the air from the beginning, as Bill Dobbs, a lawyer and member of ActUp, passed out a flyer, "Larry Kramer: Why Did He Betray AIDS Activists?". The statement, written by Charles Stimson, Bill Dobbs and Jon Nalley, charged that Larry Kramer and Rodger McFarlane (a fund-raiser for Broadway Cares and for the political candidate, Liz Abzug) had "engaged in a vicious smear campaign against Tom Duane" in the recent primary race for the New York City Council. The flyer accused Kramer of having violated Duane's HIV confidentiality by "calling every reporter in New York to identify Tom Duane as HIV positive", doing so "in the hope that they would destroy Tom Duane's candidacy for city council, thereby helping their friend and Tom's opponent Liz Abzug." Stimson, Dobbs and Nalley demanded that Kramer "unequivocally apologize for trashing Tom Duane by gossiping about his HIV status, and affirm the right of HIV positive persons to make their own decisions about divulging their HIV/AIDS status."

Although Gallo failed to make his appearance, and the treatment information presented at the forum was not very useful, the forum itself was eminently newsworthy. Some important political and ethical issues were sounded, and Larry Kramer, the man who is identified as closely with "AIDS activism" as Robert Gallo is with "AIDS research", spectacularly displayed himself in the process of self-demolition. I'm writing this report in the belief that readers of the Native deserve to know the contentions that are now erupting among "AIDS activists". And for English students of the future, I wish to leave a brief record of the language that was used in public "AIDS" discourse in the year 1991.

Fred Valentine

The first speaker, Fred Valentine, MD, showed a number of slides. One, entitled "Ways To Intervene", listed a half-dozen or so ways that it might theoretically might be possible to intervene in the life-cycle of HIV-1, the retrovirus commonly considered to be the cause of "AIDS": "Block binding, inhibit uncoating, inhibit reverse transcriptase", and so on. Another slide showed the genetic structures of HIV-1 and HIV-2; as retroviruses go, they are not very similar. Valentine referred to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase as a "sloppy enzyme" inasmuch as it made two to ten errors per copy. This means that the virus is constantly mutating, offering in effect a continually moving target.

Nothing in Valentine's talk suggested that anywhere, at any stage of development, is there even one drug that shows promise of helping people with "AIDS". I suspect that few if any of those in the audience understood more than a smattering of what he was saying. It really didn't matter.

Nava Sarve

The next speaker, Dr. Nava Sarver, was a replacement for Gallo. She showed more slides -- the familiar artist renditions of HIV-1: spherical blobs with bright-colored knobs (like Tinker Toys) sticking out of them and with funny-looking squiggles inside. She showed charts of things like, "Therapeutic Targets To Stop Life Cycle Of HIV". She rattled off the names of drugs at various stages of development or testing: SCD4, Hypericin, GLQ 223, R031-8959, RO24-7429, FLT, ADT, TIBO, BIRG587.... There is no evidence to suggest that anyone ever has, or will, or would benefit from any of these drugs. She showed a slide of the alleged effects of AZT on resistant and non-resistant strains of HIV-1, in terms of the now-discredited p24 antigen test. At least AZT is more than just a theoretical possibility: it's been aggressively marketed for several years now, and it's out there actively killing people. Sarver neglected to inform the audience that AZT is a poison without a single, scientifically- demonstrated benefit. No doubt she was displaying the scientific objectivity of which her lab chief, Robert Gallo, is such a shining example.

David Ho

The third "scientist" to speak was David Ho, of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City. He began with the mind-boggling statement that until 1988 no one had attempted to quantify the virus. I believe it would be more accurate to say that attempts had been made, but they were unsuccessful inasmuch as free virus particles were recorded at such low levels that they were virtually undetectable, even in patients who were dying from "AIDS".

Ho showed a slide of recent HIV-1 infection. Five to twenty days after infection, the viral load reached a sharp peak, accompanied by mild flu-like symptoms. Then antibodies were formed, and the virus immediately plunged to barely detectable levels. Common sense would say that the body had successfully overcome a brief and not very serious infection. But according to current HIV dogma, the virus is still doing _something_, and after a "latency period" of ten years or so, the symptoms of "AIDS" will begin to appear.

David Ho was not optimistic that any form of anti-retroviral therapy would be helpful, and he appeared to take an especially dim view of the nucleoside analogues (AZT, ddI, ddC, etc.).

Mark Harrington

The first "activist" speaker, Mark Harrington of ActUp New York, asserted that far too much research had gone into anti- retroviral drugs, and not nearly enough into drugs to treat the opportunistic infections from which people with AIDS suffer: pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, the wasting syndrome, cryptosporidium, MAI, tuberculosis, and various fungal infections. He asserted that emphasis should be shifted to drugs that strengthen the immune system, and away from drugs designed to attack retroviruses.

Harrington made one very good point, which is obvious but easily overlooked: with truly effective drugs, a dramatic improvement is seen. In the case of the anti-retroviral drugs, none but the most subtle and dubious benefits have ever been claimed.

Larry Kramer

Shortly after Larry Kramer started talking, Bill Dobbs and his colleagues in the rear of the room demanded that Kramer first answer the charges that he had violated the HIV confidentiality of Tom Duane. I have transcribed the whole ruckus, including the extemporaneous talk Kramer eventually gave, for posterity. The quality of the recording is quite high, but unfortunately at times Kramer tended to mumble or otherwise slip into substandard diction, which accounts for the occasional gaps in the transcript. If I may digress, there is a lesson here for our younger agitators: Even in the most explosive diatribe, even in the climax of a thundering jeremiad, it is still important to enunciate clearly.

Bill Dobbs: Why don't you answer the charges? You purport to speak out about this issue, let's hear you! Respond!

Larry Kramer: If you will wait until the question and answer session...

BD: No we're not going to wait until the question and answer session! Your credibility is in fucking shreds! We've never seen the spector of someone who purports to hold the leadership

David Barr (Moderator): Bill!... Bill!

BD: ... that would disclose the HIV status of someone without his consent.

DB: Bill, everybody got the flyer.

BD: [unintelligible owing to commotion] ... You can't just lick his ass before he talks.

DB: Shut the fuck up and let him answer!

BD: Don't you think Kramer's able to speak for himself, David?

DB: So let's give him a chance. Sit down and shut up and let him talk.

BD: Oh yeah, we'll just be quiet while HIV confidentiality is broken!

[Commotion - "Let him talk!"]

BD: You didn't do it for Brad Davis, did you, Kramer?


DB: Sit down, Bill!

BD: Shut up!

DB: Sit down!

BD: Shut up!

DB: Sit down! [to Larry Kramer:] Go ahead.

Larry Kramer: [Long pause] I spoke to Dr. Gallo several times this week and I found the experience exceptionally sad. In a strange way I had grown rather fond of him ... over the last six months or so. I don't know if we will ever know the answer to the charges made against him. But they certainly, I believe, are not so black and white as so many would have us believe. He was not allowed to come to this meeting ... by Dr. Broder. [Unintelligible] ... He has been placed on an exceptionally short leash, and is not allowed to make public appearances. Additionally, the work in his lab has come to a standstill. In that laboratory he tried to find a cure for KS. When we come fact to face with ... the various big moral questions. [mumbling] ... It is one thing to disagree and another thing to kill.

BD: Exactly! And why would anyone rely on you after what you did this Summer? Why would we rely on your judgment that Gallo is right? You're going to stand up there and defend Gallo? Horseshit! How many times have we been forced to depend on your judgment? And you sell out AIDS for a cheap political tactic!

DB: Bill, you're going to have a chance to talk.

BD: Don't lecture me, you stupid, lazy, incompetent shithead! Go back to Lambda! [Laughter.]


DB: Look, each speaker is up here for fifteen minutes to talk, and then we open it up to the floor. There are a lot of people in the audience who want to ask and talk about treatment. Would you allow that to happen? Awright? Your flyer's been given out. Everybody's heard what you had to say.

BD: You're not going to dictate free speech now?

DB: No, we're not going to dictate free speech ... [commotion]


LK: I said that I would refer the questions to the question and answer session. [Unintelligible] Could you wait a little longer? Or do you want me not to make my speech. I'm happy not to make my speech.

BD: I'd be happy not to hear you talk, if you want my opinion.


DB: [To Larry Kramer] Would you go on, please?

LK: No, I don't want to go, if I'm going to be ...

BD: Oh, beg us to go on, Larry. You stupid hypocrite!

DB: Bill, enough! It doesn't help the points you're trying to make.

[Other voices] Whether it's GMHC or some other ... operation that's paying you.... You're making the same points that George Bush makes endlessly, David. You don't help our cause when you use such defensive tactics.

DB: Fine. Fine Are you going to keep talking? All right.

LK: I'm not going to talk if he's continually going to interrupt me.

[Long interchange, after which Bill Dobbs and two companions agree not to interrupt Kramer's talk.]

BD: We've agreed not to say anything further. Carry on, Kramer!

LK: [Rests his chin on the podium and scowls at the audience for about one minute. Suddenly he springs back and yells, full volume:] SO! WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING PLAGUE!!! AND YOU BEHAVE LIKE THIS! SO! FORTY MILLION INFECTED PEOPLE IN THIS FUCKING PLANET!!! And nobody acts as it is! Nobody here either! Nobody in this hospital! Nobody in this city! Nobody in this world! [Begins banging on the podium.] [Bang, bang, bang] ... the fucking plague [Bang, bang, bang] ... all because of some stupid thing you didn't even call and ask me about! You don't know what I did!

We are in the worst shape we have ever, ever, ever been in! Nothing is working! None of that shit you saw on the screen is working! None of the shit that's in the pipeline that these people are studying is working! You heard what George Bush said ... when we went to Kennebunkport. He's more inclined, he's feels more sorry for the unemployed. That's what we're in. Every person I talk to -- in every city, in every agency -- gay, straight, AIDS -- is as despondent as they can possibly be. Nobody knows what to do next. Nobody knows what to do next. And we have a president who cares ... more about the unemployed ... setting people against each other ... just like these people are doing ... than he cares about us.

All those pills they're shoving down our throat -- forget it! All those treatments Mark mentioned -- forget it! My beloved Brad Davis took every fucking drug for MAI, and not one of them worked. Plus two that we got out of the White ... out of experimental ... that are so top secret nobody else has had them.

What does it take? Nobody knows. I don't know anymore. I helped start the two biggest organizations. They've turned to shit! Both of them! GMHC is a bureaucracy that's so ludicrous -- it's a joke. ActUp has been taken over by a lunatic fringe. They can't get together. Nobody agrees with anything. All they can do is steal. A couple hundred people at a demonstration. ActUp doesn't make anybody pay attention. [Unintelligible] ... millions out there. We can't do that. All we do is pick at each other. And yell at each other. [Banging on podium] I deserve a little fucking respect for what I've done -- in this room. [mixed applause and boos] These people like to write me love letters ... the essence of Larry should be bottled, and we should all drink it ... and suddenly I do one thing that they don't agree with. Then I'm Hitler. What kind of extremism is this? [Unintelligible]

I'm as depressed as I've ever been. I talked to Marty Delaney on the West Coast, a similar kind of guy. He doesn't know what to do. [Unintelligible] You know that Tony Fauci ... damned bungler that he is ... are not capable of the jobs entrusted to them. You know that! Fred, you know that the ACTG system is worth shit! Yes, you said that, you told me! ... The ACTG system has produced nothing of any value. The studies are all the product of second-rate, middle-of-the-road decisions that are not controversial. And everybody knows this. You all schlep down there, three times a year, at tax payers' expense, and you sit there, and you know it's all a load of shit.

Why are all the fights left to the activists? Why do we have to do all the fights? Why do we have to fight your fights? Have any of you gone back to Saul Farber, the head of this medical school? Have you gone to Larry Tisch and Bob Tisch, whose name is on this hospital, and said we have got a plague on? We have to get to George Bush. We can't get the fucking ear of George Bush. And he's the only person that matters. It doesn't make any difference to go to Cuomo, or Dinkins, or Moynihan. Forget it! It isn't going to do dipshit. George Bush is the only person, and we are closed off from him. The people who have the power won't go near him. You want to tell Dr. Farber ... the Tisches. Joan Tisch is on the board of directors of Gay Men's Health Crisis. [exclamation from the audience] You didn't know that? She is on the board of Gay Men's Health Crisis. Bob Tisch's wife. I have spent personally two years begging her to have a meeting with her husband. Her husband, Bob Tisch, was in Ronald Reagan's cabinet, as Postmaster General. And I said, "Joan, you're on the board of this organization. Get your husband to talk to George Bush. Tell him there's a plague on. Tell him nothing is working. Nobody has a master plan. You keep throwing all this money away. Has anyone planned. Does anybody have a plan? At NIH? NIH is a joke."

David Ho, you know the things that we have to learn -- before we can go forward. You network with our people; you can help make a list of all the things that we have in order ... to investigate. Why aren't we doing this? What does it take, to get, to perpetuate a master plan. You guys [unintelligible] ... and we have to do the fight. Ten years have gone. Ten years have gone ... stupid studies of the ACTG. I don't blame you for that. I blame the ACTG. We're getting nowhere. Nowhere! I'm so tired of looking at these stupid flyers. [Laughter] They insult you. [Applause] You come to these [unintelligible] and they trot out AIDS 101. We're in graduate school.

I want to read you something from the New York Times. [Reads article, "Medical Research is in Ruins", about how "the NIH is in disarray".] In other words, you guys ought to be fighting for your jobs. This litany is not new. Why then have the scientists been silent? Why then have the scientists been silent? Why then have the scientists been silent? Scientists have to speak out. If necessary, fight -- for health research. They have to tell the president and his administration that government priorities are signaled by unfulfilled positions and unkept promises. I don't make this up. That's the fucking president of Yale Medical School.

I don't know what to do anymore, and I never said that before. I think ActUp doesn't work anymore. I think the tactics it represents don't work anymore. I think the anger that is in us has fallen on deaf ears. And I don't know what to do next. I don't know what kind of organization to start. I don't know how to fight. I don't know how to lead anyone, should they want to follow. I don't know what to write anymore. I don't know how to write any part of this, because I have said what I have said to you tonight, in one form or another, for ten fucking years. And I say to you in year ten, as we fact the figure of 40 million infected people, the same thing I said in 1981, when there were 41 cases. Until we get our act together, all of you, until we learn to plug in with each other, and fight and make this president listen, we are as good as dead.

And in closing I would like to thank the gentleman in the rear [Bill Dobbs] for stirring me up, because I don't think I would have made such a potent speech otherwise.

The Question and Answer Session

In the question and answer period Larry Kramer responded to the charges made against him by denying that he had outed the HIV status of Tom Duane. He did admit to telling Duane that he would have no respect for him if he kept his HIV status secret. Kramer said he considers himself to be a "role model" for publicly identifying himself as HIV positive, and wanted Tom Duane also to be a role model. Bill Dobbs angrily called Kramer a liar, charging that he and Rodger McFarlane had violated HIV confidentiality in their talks with reporters.

Michael Ellner, President of H.E.A.L., pointed out that a slide shown by David Ho, showing viral burden for both ARC and AIDS patients, could well be interpreted as showing that HIV was just another opportunistic infection rather that the fundamental cause of "AIDS".

I spoke for a few minutes, until I was silenced by the Moderator, David Barr. The AIDS totalitarianism in this country, I maintained, is reminiscent of Lysenkoism under Stalin, several decades ago. Several dozen important scientists have signed a letter calling for an open investigation of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, and their brief and sensible letter has been rejected by Science, Nature, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Lancet. Any discussion of AIDS treatment, I continued, is incomplete without acknowledging the enormous tragedy that is now taking place: approximately 125,000 people on AZT and 20,000 or more or ddI. These drugs have no benefits that have been demonstrated by honest and competent research, and they are sufficiently toxic that no consequence other than death can reasonably be expected. This is mass murder, and nobody is doing anything to stop it.

Some people came to the forum looking for a crumb of hope that somewhere on the horizon there might be a cure for "AIDS". They were disappointed, of course, and some of them bitterly referred to the forum as a "joke" and a "farce".

The Issue of HIV-Outing

Some background on the outing controversy: In a New York Post article of 8 August 1991, Joe Nicholson wrote that Rodger McFarlane, a fund-raiser for Liz Abzug in her primary race against Tom Duane for the New York City Council, "has been talking for weeks to potential contributors about Duane's infection -- and criticizing him for failing to disclose his AIDS test result publicly." According to Nicholson, McFarlane "told The Post that Duane's failure to reveal his AIDS status 'was tantamount to pretending not to be a Jew during a holocaust.'"

Larry Sutton, in his Daily News column of 14 August, reported that McFarlane had apologized for his reference to Jews during a holocaust. Harriet Bogard of the Anti-Defamation League characterized McFarlane's remark as "foolish and thoughtless".

An article by Donna Minkowitz, "Bella She Ain't", appeared in the Village Voice of 13 August. It clearly favored Duane over Abzug, and made no mention of his HIV status.

The next issue of the Voice (20 August) carried letters from Rodger McFarlane and Larry Kramer. McFarlane accused Duane of "cowardice" for "hiding in the AIDS closet." Kramer said he had been "disgusted by Tom's dishonesty in keeping his 'secret' for so long" and criticized Donna Minkowitz for not alluding "to the fierce controversy over his withholding of this information" despite the fact that she "knew Tom was HIV+, as did Voice editors". Donna Minkowitz responded by accusing McFarlane and Kramer of "hypocrisy", and said she "would never reveal anyone's HIV status without his or her permission, political candidate or not."

These letters prompted angry replies in the next issue (27 August). Jon Nalley charged: "With these letters, Mcfarlane and Kramer have done what Jesse Helms has longed to do -- threaten the confidential nature of HIV status in our society." Jim Fouratt wrote: "Finally the public is able to see through the smokescreen of rage to the self-centered, vindictive person Larry Kramer has always been in the AIDS movement." Fouratt contended that the letter from McFarlane "violates the most basic issues of trust in the AIDS service field: the protection of the confidentiality and anonymity of any person living with AIDS or confronted with an immune-compromised condition."

Since Larry Kramer expressed bitter resentment during the forum that people had not called him to find out what he had or had not done, I called him on Friday, the day after the forum, leaving the message on his answering machine that I wanted to hear his side of the outing story. Sunday evening I came home to find the following message on my answering machine:

Hi, this is Ben [Pesner??]. I'm Larry Kramer's assistant. Larry got your message the other day. Um. From out of town. He called it into his machine. And he's out of town and will be out for most of the Fall, except when he makes these visits to New York. And he asked me to return the call and to say -- and this is a quote -- that he was surprised to hear you condemning him, because he thought that he had honored your opinions in his writings and his deeds. So there you go. Um. Um. Well, that's the message, and I hope it makes sense. OK, bye.

Monday evening, the very next day, Larry Kramer in person placed a statement on the table outside the ActUp meeting, giving his side of the story. He wrote:

In regard to the Tom Duane mess, I do not believe I have done anything wrong. I looked to Duane for courage and to be a hero and I was disappointed. I did not out him. I did not tell any reporter, despite what Donna Minkowitz (someone I have never regarded as a reliable reporter, and to whom I always speak with great caution, because she, like Bill Dobbs, has as her main agenda crucifying people) that Duane was HIV-positive. Donna called me and I referred her to Tom, suggesting she ask him herself. I spoke to no other reporter that I can recall. But, even if I had, so what? (Larry Kramer, statement of 23 September 1991.)

If McFarlane and Kramer did not tell reporters and others that Tom Duane was HIV positive, then other people must be lying. But aside from this, Kramer obviously does not consider it wrong to out someone's HIV status. In his statement of 23 September he writes: "I do not consider it anything so awful to reveal a candidate's or an elected official's HIV status, any more than I consider it a breach to reveal his or her homosexuality."

My own position on the issue of HIV-outing is undoubtedly influenced by my being an AIDS dissident: I am convinced that HIV is not the cause of "AIDS". To be honest, nobody really knows what it means to be HIV-positive. Although a positive test result is not good news, it should not be considered a death sentence. Being HIV-positive may be nothing more than a marker for risk; it may be an indication of immune impairment caused by factors other than HIV; or (if one believes the official dogma) it may indicate the presence of a pathogenic microbe. However, the HIV test is indisputably dangerous, and in my opinion no one should take it. The test is dangerous to physical and mental health; it is dangerous politically and socially. A known HIV- positive status has caused people to lose jobs, health insurance, and friends. People are now in jail for no crime other than being HIV-positive and having sex. The test can kill, in a number of ways -- positive test results have led people to commit suicide, and have driven many thousands of frightened gay men into the clutches of doctors who put them on lethal AZT or ddI therapy.

In light of the above, I think that someone who has found out he is HIV-positive ought to keep it a secret. He should tell no one. If necessary, he should lie. It is dangerous to be known as HIV-positive, just as in the middle ages it would have been dangerous to be known as a heretic, or a marrano, or a sodomite. It follows that I consider it highly unethical to disclose someone's HIV status. People who do so are really no better than those who denounced heretics to the Inquisition, or who denounce homosexuals to their employers. Of course, after we have punctured the HIV myth -- as we will! -- all this will change.

The Larry Kramer Problem

Most people I've spoken to now regard Larry Kramer as an embarrassment to the movement, although some of them expressed admiration for his courage in the past. The problem is that vehemence alone isn't worth very much. If one examines his diatribe from the Thursday evening forum (which Kramer himself described as a "potent speech"), or for that matter any of his recent talks, one finds that, aside from obscenities, tidbits of gossip, and personal asides, there is very little content. It's almost all hot air. His entire talk could almost be summarized as follows: "THINGS ARE A MESS!!! WHY DOESN'T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING?!?!?"

Obviously Kramer is not an analyst, and I doubt he ever claimed to be. The media must share some of the blame for promoting him as the elder statesman of AIDS activism on the basis of his capacity for wild rhetoric and empty posturing. That a fiction writer should be promoted as an AIDS expert is reminiscent of the actors from Mash, who have been on the collegiate circuit as lecturers on foreign policy (based apparently on the expertise they acquired from playing their roles in the television series).

Kramer seems to feel that our first priority ought to be to "get the fucking ear of George Bush." Well now, suppose that we did. Suppose that Larry Kramer himself were ushered into his presence. Then what? Would Kramer make a face, bang his fists on something, and yell, "THERE'S A FUCKING PLAGUE GOING ON!!! DO SOMETHING!!!"? And then suppose that the president said, "All right, Mr. Kramer, what do you think I should do?" And Kramer would shriek, "I DON'T KNOW!!!" Is this really what we need?

I do admire Kramer, and wish to give him credit, for writing the novel, Faggots, which was published in 1978, only three years before the first "AIDS" cases began to be identified. The book showed courage and insight. It touched a raw nerve. It was disgusting, and meant to be, and very funny. All the hotshots in the gay movement, all the politically-correct gay intellectuals hated it. Kramer was excoriated as a traitor, in and out of print, for writing an expose of a portion of the gay subculture in New York City and Fire Island: obsessive promiscuity, drug abuse, infantilism, and inter-personal viciousness. Behind Kramer's rage and rancor was a serious message: Gay men were not treating each other as human beings ought to; they were fixated in a lifestyle that was deadly to the spirit as well as the body.

On questions of "AIDS", I think that Kramer has been wrong as often as not. For a decade his main contribution to AIDS discourse has been hysteria, when calm, honest and analytical minds were needed. He has never supported those of us who are calling for a free and open investigation of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. Nor has he done anything to stop the pharmacogenic manslaughter of gay men which is now happening through AZT and ddI therapy. Nor has he supported free speech for those he disagrees with. On at least two occasions Kramer attempted to silence me at ActUp meetings, when I either challenged the HIV hypothesis or criticized nucleoside analogue therapy. In my book, no one can claim to have intellectual courage if he is afraid to hear what his opponents have to say. I am sorry to say so, but at this point I don't think Larry Kramer has anything positive to contribute to the fight against "AIDS". *

The author has requested that the two following articles be included "in the interest of fairness."

Larry Kramer: Why Did He Betray AIDS Activists?

By Charles Stimson, Bill Dobbs, and Jon Nalley (September 19, 1991)

Larry Kramer and Rodger McFarlane engaged in a vicious smear campaign against Tom Duane. Kramer, an HIV-positive gay man, decided that Tom Duane, also an HIV-positive gay man, somehow did not deserve HIV confidentiality. Ignoring a basic tenet of the AIDS activist movement, Kramer and McFarlane spent June and July calling every reporter in New York to identify Tom Duane as HIV-positive. They did this in the hope that they would destroy Tom Duane's candidacy for City Council, thereby helping their friend and Tom's opponent Liz Abzug.

It must be noted that Tom Duane is the ONLY person that Kramer and McFarlane have publicly gossiped about being HIV- positive. Kramer knew for years that Brad Davis was HIV-positive and kept that quiet and properly so. The decision to talk about one's HIV status is only to be made by that individual. What Kramer and McFarlane did was not breaking new ground. In 1986 Bill Buckley proposed tattooing those who tested HIV-positive. What they did this summer was the same attempt to stigmatize people for being seropositive -- only their smear was done by gossip instead of by a tattoo.

What is Larry Kramer's response to being called to account for his venal actions? Since August he has let Rodger McFarlane do all the talking. We demand that he unequivocally apologize for trashing Tom Duane by gossiping about his HIV status, and affirm the right of HIV-positive persons to make their own decisions about divulging their HIV/AIDS status.

A Statement from Larry Kramer

(September 23, 1991)

Several members of ACTUP are following me around, shouting down my speechs, and trying to get Rodger McFarlane fired from his job as probably the most successful AIDS fundraiser anywhere.

In regard to the Tom Duane mess, I do not believe I have done anything wrong. I looked to Duane for courage and to be a hero and I was disappointed. I did not out him. I did not tell any reporter, despite what Donna Minkowitz says (someone I have never regarded as a reliable reporter, and to whom I always speak with great caution, because she, like Bill Dobbs, has as her main agenda crucifying people) that Duane was HIV-positive. Donna called me and I referred her to Tom, suggesting that she ask him herself. I spoke to no other reporter that I can recall. But, even if I had, so what?

Even though I did not out Duane, I should like to say that I do not consider it anything so awful to reveal a candidate's or an elected official's HIV status, any more than I consider it a breach to reveal his or her homosexuality. I demand honesty from those I vote for. Every candidate and official from the President on down is morally obligated to take a complete physical and reveal all aspects of his or her health to his/her constituents. You don't think if we found out Bush (or Cuomo or Dinkins or Noach Dear or Pat Schroeder) was HIV+ that we wouldn't try to get this information out? I started ACTUP and GMHC so all of who have AIDS and are HIV+ can have respect and be respected. If people are ashamed of being gay and HIV+ then how are we going to get anywhere or change anything? How could I possibly support a candidate (Duane) who was refusing to acknowledge his status? (Ironically, I told him that if he were forthcoming, I'd bet it would help him win; and I was right.) Brad Davis, who Rodger was also trying to encourage to come out (and Brad was about to) was not being elected to look after my welfare; it is heinous to compare him with Duane.

I would like to go on record -- so that years from now you can say, as you have done about many things, "Larry was right" -- that I think Tom Duane is a coward, lacking political courage, and that he will not be a strong representative for us in the City Council. I hope I am wrong. But I don't think I am. Only time will tell.

This, like all the rest of everything I have ever said, is my opinion. If you don't like it, or some of it, or any of it, tough shit. However, I think I have contributed not an inconsiderable amount to the fight we have all tried to wage these past long years and that I am entitled to be treated -- not like the enemy -- but with more respect that these few members of a lunatic fringe among you, whom, you may be interested to know, are operating in ACT UP's name, are permitting. If Dobbs et al have nothing better to do than destroy my speech at NYU Medical Center, and cause distress at Colleen Dewhurst's memorial service, and phone-zap Rodger's board, then no wonder a cure for AIDS has never been found.

I personally consider that Bill Dobbs has done more to destroy ACT UP than any human being should have against his conscience. For all the years that I have known him, he has performed untold cruel acts, under the guise of "keeping ACT UP clean and honest." What motivates him, I daresay, is not compassion, or cleanliness, or conscience, but hate. If I am the enemy of ACT UP, and AIDS activism, and the gay movement, to such an extent that Dobbs and Jon Nalley and Charles Stimson must follow me around screaming in the middle of crowded auditoriums that they "know my address" and "will show up wherever I appear," then we are all in great trouble.

I would like to end by saying that I think ACT UP is in deep shit, and that these acts of Dobbs et al are only symptoms of a much deeper and more painful problem. This organization continues its downhill slide unabated, its tactics no longer working, and its lunatics driving away more and more of its members who want to fight against AIDS and not against each other. I find myself, more and more, increasingly disappointed, and occasionally ashamed, of this once wonderful thing I founded. I have tried on numerous occasions to help put things right. However, the one bit of apparatus evidently not included in what we started is how to bring people to see the handwriting on the wall, and how to make them roll up their sleeves to do the hard work of trying to put things right. So, like many others before me, I have moved on, wishing you well, hoping yoiu all finally come to your senses, but, once again, seeing little to indicate that anyone else holds these opinions but me. *